Our Range of Alternative Health and Wellness Services

Our Range of Alternative Health and Wellness Services

covid test rapid

Rapid Covid Testing

We come to you and can have results in as little as 10-15 minutes! No nasal swab required!

IV Therapy Services

We provide intravenous therapy with our mobile on-demand service that treats you practically wherever you are!

IV Therapy and Vitamin B12 Injections

We provide intravenous therapy with our mobile on-demand service that treats you practically wherever you are! Our IV Specialists are locally trained and certified APRNs, Registered Nurses, Licenses Practical Nurses or Paramedics. While IV Therapy helps to get rid of hangovers, IV Therapy can also refresh you after most strenuous of activities, helping you to recover faster from flu symptoms, flush all the toxins out of your body after an extensive workout, and replenish your muscles with the hydration they need. It’s also great for people who experience migraines or suffer from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Lipotropic Vitamin B12 injections are supplements used for fat loss,and can be added to most weight loss programs. Lipotropics are fat burning amino acids, substances that are naturally produced by the body. These chemicals help to remove toxins and waste from the liver, prevent cholesterol build up and metabolize fats.

Our lipotropic Vitamin B12 injections at "Healing Hands Healthcare" contains: (MIC) Methionine (L), Inositol, Choline Chloride, & B12, and is given Intramuscularly in the arm or thigh.

Lipo (MIC) B12 shots are typically given weekly anywhere between 5-12 weeks while on a dietary & fitness weight loss plan. (MIC) injections are shots specifically designed to help speed up your metabolism. 

  • Methionine: A protein-based amino acid that is essential for muscle growth and energy. It also helps preserve artery function, maintain healthy nails, hair, and skin, break down fat, and remove heavy metals from the body.
  • Inositol: Used medicinally to help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Inositol may also be used to improve circulation, prevent hair loss, nourish the brain, and facilitate the conversion of nutrients to energy.
  • Choline: Important for liver function, along with helping to remove toxins, and prevent fat from accumulating in the liver. With proper amounts of this nutrient in the diet each day, the chances of developing problems with the liver are reduced.
  • Methylcobalamin: (Vitamin B12) Essential for forming new, healthy cells in the body. It also boosts energy, helping to increase activity levels.


  • A steady weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week is best. Fad and rapid diets only lead to weight gain!
  • Sustained and consistent behavioral changes, which include eating habits and regular exercise routines 
  • It is important to get adequate sleep, at least 7-9 hours
  • Effective stress management
  • Exercise regularly for 30 minutes 3-5 times per week.
  • Obtain regular check-ins with your practitoner, dietitian, or weight loss counselor
  • Accountability through use of a food journal, or a food tracking app on your smartphone
  • It is imperative to cut down on sugars, starches, and processed foods
  • Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight in water daily - 64 OZ MINIMUM 

There are many benefits that come from taking regular Lipo B12 MIC Injections.

  • MIC injections may help anyone who’s hit a wall in their weight loss efforts. While are MIC injections are not a replacement for a good diet and regular exercise, they have been known to increase your body’s metabolism to operate at peak efficiency, which will assist in losing weight more quickly.
  • MIC injections are pain-free. They can help you to avoid the frustration of trying out faddy diets that may not work for you. Moreover, they can easily fit into your weekly schedule.
  • In addition to the weight loss benefit, MIC injections may also give you more energy, and help increase your body’s overall well-being

Vitamin B12 Injections

Get the energy you need!


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